
Research and Development(R&D) Healthcare Services

Analysis of public health measures due to promote healthy life prevents diseases and reduces morbidity and mortality.

• Planed, implement, and evaluate health programs.
• Design health studies and create public health indicators.
• Report the results by tables, listings, and graphs.
• Epidemiological recommendation through analyses of health data.
• Court Expert Report in health outcomes and epidemiological matters, Evidence Act.
Plan and perform research that aim to evaluating treatments, surgeries and biomedical interventions including descriptive and inferential analyses; case-control, cross-sectional and cohort studies.
• Predict the disease probability, Heart and Stroke prevention studies and data analysis, Multi-central data analysis, Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Chronic diseases and risk factor analysis, Obesity and risk factor analysis.
• Diet, drug and medical device evaluation safety and effective in people.
We do use a varieties of statistical analysis methods, quantitative and qualitative analysis, through the research question as: Logistic Regression, Linear and Multiple Regression, Multivariate Analysis, Survey Analyses, Survival Analysis, Longitudinal Analysis, Meta-analysis, Binomial Test, Analysis of Variance, Correlation Test, Wilcoxon Tests, Kruskal Wallis Test, Case-control studies, Cohort studies, Cross-sectional Surveys, Randomized Controlled Trials.
• Research fund and grand application, data collection and methodologies.
• Sample Size calculation and compute the Power of Test.
The association of genetic factors and health, helps prevent and treat the diseases at early stage of the disease. Human genomics and mutated gene determination are the way to promote health benefits and improve population health. Genetic studies would help decrease the risk of diseases, including the prognosis of cancers at an early stage to an effective treatment strategy.
• Plan Cancer Genetics and Genetic epidemiology studies
• Genetic tests: diagnostic, family carrier genes, pharmacogenetics, Newborn screening, gene classification (legal court act)
• Analysis microarray, haplotype and SNP’s, linkage disequilibrium, microsatellite, genotype and allele frequencies
• Genetic Screening Kits
• Court Expert Report in Genetics and epidemiological matters, Evidence Act.
Public Health / Epidemiology
Clinical Trials